Our Staff Information page is sorted by "Building". If you are unable to locate a staff member please call the EK Board Office, Mrs. Grindle, at 740-599-7000 x1002.
Building First Name Last Name Job Email
BOE Richard Baird Superintendent rbaird@ekschools.org
BOE Tracy Beckett Assistant Treasurer tbeckett@ekschools.org
BOE John Bradley Occupational Therapist jbradley@ekschools.org
BOE Jessica Busenburg Treasurer jbusenburg@ekschools.org
BOE Pat Forshey Bus Mechanic pforshey@ekschools.org
BOE Kim Grindle Supt. Secretary kgrindle@ekschools.org
BOE Kathleen Herrmann Student Services Secretary kherrmann@ekschools.org
BOE Rachel King JR/SR/ELEM Speech/Hearing rking@ekschools.org
BOE Ben Snedeker Director of Student Services bsnedeker@ekschools.org
BOE Annette Wozniak EMIS Coordinator/Testing Coordinator awozniak@ekschools.org
BUS Roxanna Burch Bus Driver rburch@ekschools.org
Bus Henry Cottrill Bus Driver hcottrill@ekschools.org
BUS Chuck Dudgeon Bus Driver cdudgeon@ekschools.org
BUS April Hawkins Bus Driver ahawkins@ekschools.org
BUS Ron Looney Bus Driver rlooney@ekschools.org
BUS William Miller Bus Driver wmiller@ekschools.org
BUS Kris Oldaker Bus Driver koldaker2@ekschools.org
BUS Heather Price Bus Driver hprice@ekschools.org
BUS Sheri Staats Bus Aide sstaats@ekschools.org
BUS Shanna Treen Bus Driver sdavies@ekschools.org
BUS Angelique Van Rhoden Bus Driver avanrhoden@ekschools.org
BUS Angie Wells Bus#1/Transportation Coord. awells@ekschools.org
CONTR Leah Clendening PT lclendening@ekschools.org
CONTR Makenzie Keller Speech/Lang. Preschool n/a
CONTR Susan Langdon OTA
CONTR Morgan Miller Physical Therapist Assist. n/a remove-mmiller-pta@ekschools.org
CONTR Blaine Poe BHP School Consultant bpoe@ekschools.org
ELE Morgan Basinger 5th Grade-SC mbasinger@ekschools.org
ELE Susan Beachy Aide-Library sbeachy@ekschools.org
ELE Abigail Beale Intervention Specialist-6th abeale@ekschools.org
ELE Kaley Beam 1st Grade kbeam@ekschools.org
ELE Allie Bennett Intervention Specialist-1st abennett@ekschools.org
ELE Jessica Bookmyer 5th Math jbookmyer@ekschools.org
ELE Gabrielle Burkhalter I.S. K gburkhalter@ekschools.org
ELE Keri Campbell 3-6 Gifted Teacher kcampbell@ekschools.org
ELE McKenna Cannon 1st Grade mcannon@ekschools.org
ELE Samantha Carey Art scarey@ekschools.org
ELE Rebecca Casebolt Food Service rcasebolt@ekschools.org
ELE Jessica Claggett 8 hr. food service jclaggett@ekschools.org
ELE David Coleman Elem. Asst. Prin./Curriculum Director dcoleman@ekschools.org
ELE Rebecca Dangerfield Music Teacher rdangerfield@ekschools.org
ELE Madison Eyler 2nd Grade meyler@ekschools.org
ELE Ron Fannin Reading Recovery rfannin@ekschools.org
ELE Kay Fetters Reading - Title kfetters@ekschools.org
ELE Ashley Fowler Kindergarten afowler@ekschools.org
ELE Rebecca Gaines 3rd Grade rgaines@ekschools.org
ELE Leah Gatton 5th LA lgatton@ekschools.org
ELE Leslie Gilbert 3rd Grade lgilbert@ekschools.org
ELE Josh Grennell Maintenance jgrennell@ekschools.org
ELE Afton Griffith Kindergarten agriffith@ekschools.org
ELE James Hanna Intervention Specialist-2nd jhanna@ekschools.org
ELE Tessa Hedrick Nurse thedrick@ekschools.org
ELE Mallory Hysong Elem Tutor mhysong@ekschools.org
ELE Michele Iser Custodian-Evening miser@ekschools.org
ELE Zachary Jenney 6th Math/SS zjenney@ekschools.org
ELE Abbey Jones 5th Grade afaucett@ekschools.org
ELE Susanne Kelley 1st Grade skelley@ekschools.org
ELE Katlyn Kilgore Elem. Social Worker/Counselor kkilgore@ekschools.org
ELE Helsa King 2nd Grade hking@ekschools.org
ELE Halie Lamb Kindergarten hlamb@ekschools.org
ELE Samantha Languis Intervention Specialist-4th slanguis@ekschools.org
ELE Rachel Legros 2nd Grade rlegros@ekschools.org
ELE Jason McElroy 4th Grade jmcelroy@ekschools.org
ELE Michele McFarland Elem Custodian mmcfarland@ekschools.org
ELE Karen Meade 4th Grade kmeade@ekschools.org
ELE Lauren Mohnasky 3rd Grade lphillips@ekschools.org
ELE Melissa Moreland Principal mmoreland@ekschools.org
ELE Alyssa Nixon MH Self-Contained/K-3 anixon@ekschools.org
ELE Alice Noll 3rd Grade anoll@ekschools.org
ELE Cara Owens Kindergarten cowens@ekschools.org
ELE Michal Pfettscher 4th Grade mpfettscher@ekschools.org
ELE Laura Radermacher Custodian-Day lradermacher@ekschools.org
ELE Krista Reese Nurse Aide kreese@ekschools.org
ELE Mackenzie Rogers I.S.-5th mrogers@ekschools.org
ELE Sheri Ryals Title I sryals@ekschools.org
ELE Janet Scott Cafeteria jscott@ekschools.org
ELE Carrie Streby 5 hour cook cstreby@ekschools.org
ELE Mandy Todd 2nd Grade mtodd@ekschools.org
ELE Kailee Wallace 6th Grade kwallace@ekschools.org
ELE Kelsey Walters 6th Grade kwalters@ekschools.org
ELE Bria Warner 1st Grae bwarner@ekschools.org
ELE Kati Weber P.E. kweber@ekschools.org
ELE Trudy Westover Intervention Specialist-3rd twestover@ekschools.org
ELE Amanda Wilson Elem. Secretary awilson@ekschools.org
ELE Katrina Wobbecke 4th Grade-SC/LA kwobbecke@ekschools.org
ESC Kevin Bullock Jr./Sr. HS Aide
ESC Jean Colopy Elem Aide jcolopy@knoxesc.org
ESC Michelle Colopy Aide-Instructional Assist.
ESC Krista Cooper Jr/Sr HS Aide
ESC Julie David Jr/Sr HS Aide jdavid@knoxesc.org
ESC Tiffany Davis Elem Aide
ESC Makayla Duffy-Bailey Elem Aide mduffybailey@knoxesc.org
ESC Catrina Fowler Jr/Sr HS Aide-one on one
ESC Whitney Frost Elem Aide wfrost@knoxesc.org
ESC Carly Geog Elem Aide
ESC Olivia Hartman HS Aide
ESC Melissa Jones Jr/Sr HS Aide mjasper@knoxesc.org
ESC Paula Kapper Elem Aide
ESC Emily Lang Elem Aide
ESC Sara Larner Elem Aide
ESC Autumn Lilly Elem Aide
ESC Rhonda Marshall Elem Aide
ESC Cynthia May Jr./Sr. Library Aide cmay@ekschools.org
ESC Jill Morningstar Elem Aide
ESC Thomas Myers Elem Aide
ESC CeCe Newbold Elem Aide
ESC Taylor Osborne Elem. Aide
ESC Shaina Robbins Elem. Aide
ESC Michelle Tucker Elem Aide mtucker@knoxesc.org
ESC-p.s. Erica Beltz Preschool Teacher
ESC-p.s. Nicole Cook PreSchool Teacher n/a
ESC-p.s. Ariel Lashley PreSchool Aide
ESC-p.s. Jackie Nutt PreSchool Teacher n/a
ESC-p.s. Jade Salinas PreSchool Aide n/a
JR/HS Austin Allen 7-8 Social Studies aallen@ekschoos.org
JR/HS Curtis Belcher HS Math cbelcher@ekschools.org
JR/HS Denise Berry 5-hr Cook-HS dberry@ekschools.org
JR/HS Scott Brickner Asst. Principal/A.D. sbrickner@ekschools.org
JR/HS Megan Bullock Intervention Specialist mbullock@ekschools.org
JR/HS Amber Carpenter Family Consumer Science-FCCLA acarpenter@ekschools.org
JR/HS Liz Clark 9/10 CBI/Health/P.E. lclark@ekschools.org
JR/HS Brian Dodd HS Band bdodd@ekschools.org
JR/HS Lisa Downes 7th L.A. ldownes@ekschools.org
JR/HS Josh Egan Intervention Specialist jegan@ekschools.org
JR/HS Abigail Ellsworth I.S. aellsworth@ekschools.org
JR/HS Brian Frankenfield 10th English bfrankenfield@ekschools.org
JR/HS Melissa Frazee Geometry mfrazee@ekschools.org
JR/HS Crystal Gallwitz Cafeteria-8 hour cgallwitz@ekschools.org
JR/HS Ellie Hagy 9th English ehagy@ekschools.org
JR/HS Hannah Hawkins Intervention Specialist hhawkins@ekschools.org
JR/HS Samantha Hawn JR MM/MS shawn@ekschools.org
JR/HS Tom Holton Vo Ag tholton@ekschools.org
JR/HS Jerry Jacobs 8th Science jjacobs@ekschools.org
JR/HS David Keck Learning Loss Coordinator dkeck@ekschools.org
JR/HS Keara Latham I.S. L-T Sub klatham@ekschools.org
JR/HS Abbigail Lester HS Science alester@ekschools.org
JR/HS Lacey McKown Art lmckown@ekschools.org
JR/HS Caleb McNichols Gov't/Econ. cmcnichols@ekschools.org
JR/HS Tisha Melick 9th Physical Science/Chem tmelick@ekschools.org
JR/HS Megan Moledor HS Social Studies mmoledor@ekschools.org
JR/HS Jamie Muck Custodian jmuck@ekschools.org
JR/HS Jennifer O'Hara Nurse johara@ekschools.org
JR/HS Kevin Oldaker Earth Science/anatomy, astronomy,physics koldaker@ekschools.org
JR/HS Ryan Powell PE/Health Teacher rpowell@ekschools.org
JR/HS Elizabeth "Chip" Pozderac World Studies/Yearbook & KAP cpozderac@ekschools.org
JR/HS Cody Reese Principal creese@ekschools.org
JR/HS Tyler Sabo 7th Math tsabo@ekschools.org
JR/HS Tara Scarazza Guidance Counselor tscarazza@ekschools.org
JR/HS Alicia Simmons Guidance Secretary asimmons@ekschools.org
JR/HS Homer Simmons Maintenance hsimmons@ekschools.org
JR/HS Kelsey Sinzinger 8th Math ksinzinger@ekschools.org
JR/HS Deanna Smith Cafeteria-7 hr dsmith@ekschools.org
JR/HS Maggie Snyder 7-12 English msnyder@ekschools.org
JR/HS Bailey Sprague SR MM/MS bsprague@ekschools.org
JR/HS Stephanie Stacy Custodian sstacy@ekschools.org
JR/HS Fawnda Stahl Secretary fstahl@ekschools.org
JR/HS Gage Steinmetz 8th English gsteinmetz@ekschools.org
JR/HS Stephen Sterling 7th Grade Science ssterling@ekschools.org
JR/HS Buck Thompson 8th Grade SS bthompson@ekschools.org
JR/HS Mary Tidd Custodian mtidd@ekschools.org
JR/HS Margie Williams Attendance/AD Secretary mwilliams@ekschools.org